Using A Toner Guide
This is a basic guide to using Toners on your hair. Please always fully follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle or packaging.
What you will need:
Tint Bowl
Tint Brush
Tail / Sectioning Comb
Hair Clips
Plastic/Latex Gloves
Old Clothes / Towels
An Extra Pair of Hands if Possible
Toners are pastel colours used to neutralise or cover unwanted tones in lightened hair e.g. a lilac (often called white) toner can be used to cover yellow tones from bleached hair & a blue based toner can be used to cover orange tones. A guide to which toner to use can be seen using the colour wheel below. Opposite colours cover/neutralise each other e.g. lilac and yellow are opposite each other on the colour wheel below so generally a lilac based toner should work for yellow tones in hair).
There are other toners like green based ones for lifting out red tones, but your hair perhaps was not bleached enough or is resistant to the bleaching if you still have red tones left in it and therefore the results of your next hair dye may not be as good as you would like. If a toner is left on the hair too long it can take on that shade e.g. bleached hair that was lemon yellow can start to turn pale lilac if the lilac/white toner is left on too long.
Toners can also be used to ‘dilute’ semi-permanent hair dyes, this mixing can give more customised shades of hair dye. Just remember to add a little toner at a time as a small amount can really lighten some hair dyes.
Using Toner:
- Clip the hair into several sections (generally 4 – 2 at top, 2 at bottom)
- Mix the toner and starting at the base and working to the ends coat the hair with toner.
- Cover hair quickly as many toners only need 10 minutes or so to tone the hair to the desired colour and you do not want to over tone hair (see above).
- To check toner wipe a few strands to see if you have the desired colour.
- If strand is fine rinse hair and shampoo hair as normal (again being careful as hair will be more fragile due to bleaching).
- Ideally you should condition your hair, however this may not be possible if you are about to apply a semi-permanent dye as these dyes will not stick to conditioned hair.

The information given on this site has been from our own personal use, our customers feedback and various websites and forums. Beeunique are not trained hairdressers or professionals and as such we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of all the information in this section and tips etc should be used with caution. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another and if you are in any doubt about a procedure it is recommend you contact a hairdresser or other trained professional first.