Selling Alternative Hair Dyes & Accessories Online since 2005

Why Don’t You Sell Arctic Fox Hair Dye?
Arctic Fox, Sparks, Splat and more!
We are often asked why we don’t sell Arctic Fox or Sparks or numerous other brands. Below is a list of information we have on each of these brands and why we currently do not or cannot stock them in the Beeunique Shop.
Arctic Fox
We are asked about Arctic Fox a lot but unfortuantely these dyes are not yet EU compliant so we cannot stock them. This means that one or more of the ingredients is currently on the European Union banned ingredients list so they are not allowed to be sold in the UK or EU. Arctic Fox say they are working on EU compliant dyes and we are in regular contact with them to find out when this will come into effect. When it does, if the price is good then Arctic Fox is a brand we would love to stock on Beeunique.
We have contacted Sparks a few times over the years and have had the reply that they only allow their products to be sold to professional hair stylists i.e. to hairdressers etc and not to people who wish to retail them. Unless Sparks change this policy we will not be able to stock this brand.
Lunar Tides
Like Arctic Fox the ingredients in these dyes are not EU compliant and cannot be stocked or sold in the UK or EU at this time. They are hoping to amend their ingredients to be EU compliant soon.
Unfortunately Lime Crime are not looking for any distributors for their dyes at this time. We also cannot confirm that their ingredients are fully UK compliant – this is the case for several brands made in the USA.
Again, like Artic Fox, the ingredients in these dyes are not all EU compliant and cannot be stocked or sold in the UK or EU at this time. They are hoping to amend their ingredients to be EU compliant soon.
We have contacted Affinage and are currently waiting on a reply reagrding possibly stocking this brand. They do say on their website that they sell to Professional outlets like Hair salons only, so they may not allow it to be sold on a retail website. We will update when we know more.
Like Arctic Fox the ingredients in these dyes are not EU compliant and cannot be stocked or sold in the UK or EU at this time. We do not know if they are working towards an EU compliant version but will update on here when we know more.
Again, like Artic Fox, the ingredients in these dyes are not EU compliant and cannot be stocked or sold in the UK or EU at this time. They are hoping to amend their ingredients to be EU compliant soon.
Pulp Riot (Added to blog May 2019)
There has been a lot of talk in the hair dye community about this dye coming to the UK this month – yes, this is true however it is not for general retail sale. Pulp Riot have marked their product as For Salon Use only and therefore retailers cannot legally buy it to sell in shops or online. Only hairdressers and trained professionals can purchase and use this product.
This information on this blog is correct as of May 2019 and we will update this page as and when we receive new information from the manufacturers.
How can you help?
With all the brands like Arctic Fox who are unable to be sold due to non EU compliance then you can contact them direct regarding this. The more customers in the EU who contact them, the more demand they see, then hopefully the quicker they will impliment these changes. Please contact these brands direct through their website or Social Media pages if you would like to see them EU compliant.
At this time we DO sell Special Effects, Manic Panic, Directions, Crazy Color, Adore, Pravana, Stargazer, Via Natural, Hermans and Rebellious Hair Dyes on the Beeunique website
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